Friday, December 23, 2011

Off, Lumpy Soy Milk? =l help me !?

as a soy milk drinker myself, if the milk was off it would taste really rancid, i have seen soy milk gey lumpy when it has not spoiled, if you are concerned drink some water to help flush it from your system (and get rid of the rest of the bottle) i would not worry about getting ill from it.

Why would anyone be interested in the Liberals opinion of the budget when they abstained on voting on Europe?

We vote for MPs and expect them to act for us where important issues are concerned and then they abstain.

Ballerina Costume?

There is a dance store in Westerville (I don't know if it's to far to go there) but it's called Dancewear Too. It's at W Main St Westerville, OH 43081. Good luck with your costume!

Skullcandy Hesh info?

i have the hesh and i'll be blunt. I love these headphones. i listen to all kinds of music, techno, rock, rap, etc. and they are great for all of them. they dont have that wimpy sound that a lot of cheap headphones have and they give you a deep sound so you feel like you're in your music. the b is especially nice because they are a closed ear design. you can hear outside noise with these on but once you start listening to music at even low volumes everything becomes inaudible. they keep the sound in too, so you could be jamming next to someone on a bus and they wouldnt be bothered. they get loud and dont distort too easily, only on like heavy rock songs at full volume. they are also very comfortable, they dont like squeeze your head and at the same time they stay put so they wont fall off. i would consider these because compared to other headphones on the market these are decently priced.

Att contract break? For w580i?

Now i got the Walkman W580i phone from ATT, and i want the LG xenon. but how much will the break cost. bc my phone broke and have to pay 50$ anyway for insurance so ima go ahead and break the contract. so how much will it cost

Looking for an inexpensive sturdy Queen size bed.?

Disable husband and I are both heavy, and our bed is slanting inward at the headboards. We have a good mattress just need another bed.

What are some ways of raising awareness, concerning the humanitarian crisis in North Korea??

Anything that can be done in a public setting (skit, play, performance) Something that is creative and definitly catches ones attention!!!

HELP me figure this quote out please ~! Thanks !?

What does ,"Remember Cedric. Remember, if the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember what happened to a boy who was good, and kind, and brave, because he strayed across the path of Lord Voldemort. Remember Cedric Diggory. " said by dumbledore in HP and the goblet of fire means ? I dont understand this quote .. PLEASE HELP !

When will frogs come to my pond??

I just made a frog pond today it has food shelter and shade and a place to breed there is plenty of water its 14 inches deep and is about 50ft or less from a creek inhabited by many many frogs.So will the frogs come from the creek into my pond?Also I am in Northeast OH.Also when do frogs layeggs and how long till the frogspawn travel to establish a home??

English. Do you still rise and salute during God Save The Queen?

Greetings English. I know it's getting a tad late, however, just a quick question from a Yank. Personally, as our culture erodes, I see less and less young people remove their hats, or even stand, when The Star Spangled Banner is playing. Are the English at least civilised enough to still rise and respect your national anthem. Thanks and good night.

Encryption Design only serious people please answer.?

How is a encryption designed/developed/programed. Here it is im not a rookie however i have never dealt with encryptions design. I am developing an aparatus to encrypt a "wireless signal." How or where can I obtain information on where to begin and develop this?


a turbine exhausts 69400J ebergt added as heat when it puts out 21300J of net work what is the efficiency of the turbine

Castor oil to induce labor at 40 weeks?

i have been to my doc today and asked her and she said that castor oil does not induce labor! i'm glad i didn't tell her that i tried it a week ago, while being 1cm dilated. i took a dose with g juice, that stuff almost made me puke. and you know what it didnt even give me the runs. it was such a bad idea! i was so mad at myself for taking it!! it does not work to induce labor!!! people that say it worked for them i think it was just a coincidence thats all.

Opinions: Which is the better camera, Nikon D200 or Nikon D80?

Despite having read numerous reviews I still don't have a definitive answer and I don't want to invest some $2,000 and then say "Opps" 10 days later so any insight you might have would be appreciated

Can you download programmes off ITV player?

I really want to download programmes off of there but I don't know if you can or not. Does anyone know of any software that you can download in order to download programmes of there? Thanks.

Why doesn't Newt Gingrich want to run for President? Could it be he is afraid?

Could it be because he is an Adulterer with one of his itants? Maybe he left his wife because he had a New girl friend, could that be?

I'm 20yrs old and I want to know how to become residential mortgage loan officer? Need mentor.?

you dont need ANYTHING to become a loan officer, I took a cl and paid money to become one, but later found out that you dont even need one! if you can get a loan officer to teach you how to do what they do, then you're set to go, some places hire loan officers with no exp. ness. they train for free :)

Should I let me house go forclosure?

I bought my townhome in 2006, and It was my first time buying it. By then, I let my realtor decide everything for me, since she was a friend. When I came to sign the closing, found out I was on 10 yrs Interest only, and first 5 yrs ARMS, after that, adjustable. I moved back home and let the house for rent., but since they put me on 2 mortgages to be qualify for the loan, Im even more stuck..The house is now $50,000 below the market price. I called the bank and told them I cant afford it anymore, they wouldnt help and work with me. Every month, I have to pay $500 or more for the difference including home owner and 2nd mortgage, and at the end of the year, I had to pay for renter's income tax. I can't afford it anymore, b/c I have to pay rent at my apartment too.. Please anyone knows about this, please give me advices on what I should do, I don't mind losing my credit for couple yrs. They said it only take 3 1/2 yrs now, instead of 7 yrs.. I don't know wat to do, and I don't want to throw my money into the river anymore..HELP HELP HELP

Can government create jobs?

The conservatives on the radio say no and evidently a lot of people believe them. Reality is a lot different. 'Government' as such doesn't build factories and it doesn't deal in production and distribution, but it has a profound effect in job creation by stimulating demand for private industry to produce and distribute, and that production and distribution entails the need for workers. The National Defense Highway System under Eisenhower is my favorite example. Taxes were collected, mostly gas taxes, but there were other taxes as well. Private firms were hired and cash money was distributed. The Army Corp of Engineers drew up specifics. Private contractors went to work moving dirt. Tens of thousands of people were hired. Every tax dollar 'spent' was re-spent at least seven times. People miles removed from actual road construction were employed to keep track of materials. Lawyers, bankers, stock brokers and accountants went to work. Factories built heavy equipment....sub contractors, 'small business', were hired by 'big business'. Concrete was produced and shipped via newly invigorated trucking companies. Rail cars were built and manned. New trucks were ordered. Workers bought work clothes and steel toed shoes. Steel produced and delivered. Electrical equipment was manufactured and installed. Trash was hauled. Rivers were bridged. Towns sprang up. Business opened. All of the tax money that began this chain of events became salaries, savings, profits, investment capital and finally taxes. Anyone who says this didn't happen exactly that way is kidding you. Government takes little bits of cash, consolidates it into a mive pile of cash and transforms that into a power house economic activity. 'Government' ordered a mive number of computers right out of the gate...that industry is still with us because of this economic kick in the pants. Consolidating cash and spending it. Pretty much that's all government does, but it's a major part of the economy. Government money...the bits and pieces of dollars and cents that we call taxes gets spent, but it doesn't vanish into thin air, though without this influx of capital except for local economies the overall economy would disappear. The Space Program.....still going, though now as much private industry and money as government input. Even Homeland Security as redundant as it is spends billions buying, from private contractors...and ALL of that money gets re-spent time after time. 'Government workers', currently shat on by the right wing commentators spend their paychecks on the local economy. Currently we need more government spending...a mive 'Stimulus'...such as building up a solar and wind economy and building up a 21st century high speed freight and penger service....not to mention replacing much of our 50 to 100 year old infrastructure. Government tax money...private contractors. I'm sure some of the responders will totally misunderstand this....that's the power of bad information. Still....

Does it look ok to wear a white dress to prom?

Normally I would say it would look too much like a wedding dress, but I think it would look stunning, and non-wedding dress-ish (if that makes sense) with your suggestion of doing different colors. :) Have fun at prom, and I hope I've helped!

Why does Splenda fizz when I put it in my drink?

The individual packets do not fizz. But, if you use a tsp from the big zip-top bag, then it fizzes. The ingredients listed on the zip-top bag are maltodextrin and sucralose.

32wks and stomach pains?

I am 32 Wkes pregnant, and i am hurting on my sides, no matter what i do i am in pain, it goes from my sides to the front of my stomach. and adv of what this could be or why i am hurting?

Grey's Anatomy Believability?

Is what happened to Meredith Grey in tonight's episode of Grey's Anatomy medically possible? Could she have been out for so long without any repercussions? I thought she may have had amnesia or be brain dead or something...she woke up moments later and was FINE! It seemed a little far-fetched to me!

What sort of person would delete this humanitarian question?

I was able to read it. He said that she is doing well and is starting to wake up from the sedation. Also, he told her about the well wishes from Y!A and prayers and she gave him an odd look but is still unable to speak. There are still concerns about her heart though. He may not post again for a while because he's been awake for 4 days and is tired. That's all I can recall and I may have blundered it a bit.

Calculate the enthalpy change per mole of BaSO4 in kilojoules per mole.?

18.5g of BaSO4(s) dissolves in 600.0ml of water in a coffee cup calorimter. The temperature of the water rose from 24.5oC to 27.9oC. Calculate the enthalpy change per mole of BaSO4 in kilojoules per mole. ume that the specific heat capacity of the solution is that of water and that no heat is absorbed by the calorimeter.

Fantasy Football Team?

Awesome but I would look for another QB but thats just an opinion...And by looking at my name you can tell im a Steelers Fan but I think Ben isnt going to be healthy all year, his Accident in the off season screwed him up pretty bad..Watch the game tomorrow and see how he does....Cowher was talking about giving him 2 quarters tomorrow

Have these anime ever been English DUBBED?

No coz ive never heard of those crappy animes before in my life..go naruto, one piece and bleach 4 ever

Thursday, December 22, 2011

CHEMISTRY problem....?

Why can't tea be purified by Aluminium Sulfate? It seems like the alum doesn't have any effect on the tea...

Literary Magazines?

Does anyone know the names of some good Literary Magazines? I've ben writing poetry non constatly for the past ten years, n I thought i might as well submit some things. Anyway, if anyone knew any mags (addreses too would be nice, but i can do my own research) or other things i might try submiting things to, I would be very much greatful.

Was the story of Jesus and the demon pigs an attempt to get people to stop eating pork products?

You see, it’s a little known fact that Mathew, Mark and Luke all had shares in companies in the beef industry. So people eating less pork and more beef would have increased the value of their shares. So ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I have established means and motive and proved beyond reasonable doubt that Mathew, Mark and Luke were greedy liars. I rest my case.

What do you think about the rhetorical question, "Why does God let bad things happen to good people?"

Man creates the problems by living in areas that they know are dangerous, or making decisions which turn out bad or cause bad things to happen. MAN, NOT God.

I live in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada am I allowed to walk around with a sword?

as long as its not concealed (covered up/hid or under your coat) you can walk around with can buy these in stores and walk away with it..even walking around witrh an axe is not against the law..yet they can charge you with a pocket knife because it is in your pocket and not out in the open... so much for a free country...P.S;your school may not like it if you show up there with it..just tell them you use it to clean under your nails

Im in a horse show?

look im going into a show jumping show with my 16 hand stalion im practising my jumps but when i get over the 4th jump he gets spooked and bucks what can i do to calm him down ?

Will you answer?

Thirty three? But there are none. So many of the gardeners in the elementary ways. Oblivious? Numbers mean not, only the ones that are near. Did they know? Yet inside it sits next to a house plant outside. Did it mean you?

Is it fair that I got suspended for saying prick?

Last week during morning announcements our Principal came on the tv was doing his bull crap about making us have 5 minutes lurches for the next week so I mumbled under my breath prick and my teacher told the AP. Then like 10 minutes later I had to go talk the AP and she was like ''What's your problem?'' And I said ''Honestly he is a Dictator and is it even legal fo him to put us in a 5 minute lunch'' Then she said ''Well I can't disagree with you, but this a level of disrespect I've never seen. I said ''I've seen kids stand up and yell at teachers and cuss them out and only get 1 day of ISS, but i get 3 days of OSS?'' My parents were super pissed so my dad called the School Board and they actually apologized and said but we can't overturn you're suspension. Is this a fair punishment for saying prick?

New to the National Guard life. Need some information!?

as far as not knowing the time get used to it you defenitly should not put on the net any time and date of ANY military anything

Why do I have this weird eating habit?

So during the day I never feel hungry. I just always drink aton of water. Like today for breakfeast I had one cinnamin roll and a gl of orange juice. lunch I had a frozen stouffers natural chicken with mash potatoes, and dinner some lasagna. No snacks. But late at night im starving! I just had a salami sanwich and am still hungry! why si it always late at night that I feel starving? I know its terrible to eat right before bedtime. Its not like im undereating, Im 15yr old growing male. 5ft 7t 124lbs. Also is tht a healthy weight/ height ratio.

How much does it cost for an existing BT landline to be replaced?

If you can prove that the problem with the crackling line is in the telephone cable and not your inside wire, they should fix it for free. You can't go out into their cable and do it yourself. That's illegal. If they don't fix the problem they can change the cable pair to make it work.

How do I keep myself from getting homesick?

Next week I am going on a vacation with my grandparents. We will be gone for 10 days. I am really excited about going because I've never been on vacation, I am seeing some family who I haven't seen in a long time and I am also into photography so I know I will have some good photography opportunities where I am going. But, I am worried that I will become homesick, and really miss my mom. I have never been away from home for more than a week and I have never been away from my mom for more than a couple of days.

Since it isn't "PC" anymore to admit white superiority, what more subtle?

Well you could start by stating a coherent argument for white superiority, but I doubt you'll find one.

Will I notice a difference in pic quality with progressive scan or upconversion?

I have a Sony Wega CRT HD Display that accepts 480p and 480i as well as 1080i through component input. Should I buy DVD player that upconverts or should I buy a dvd player that is progressive scan. I just want to know if I should invest in an upconvert dvd player or if a progressive scan dvd player will do. Thanks for the help!

What do you think about this Prank!!?

Do you think its a good prank if I get 100 male crickets (no females because if they don'tcatch them soon enough, they will multiply, and males chirp higher) and let them go in the school? I kinda think its bad because they will die by getting stepped on, and cruelty, but then again, I want to go down in history! My school is kinda strict, so do you think I will get expelled? I want to do it on the last day of 8th grade, and i know, i know, I should do it in high school, but I ddon'twant to risk not graduating. And, what are they gunna do on the last day of 8th grade? Im goin to high school next year, so they can't put me in iss (In School SSuspension A place where you sit. And do nothing. For 7 hours. PPracticallyTTorture) But, what do you think about it?

Does it seem like environmental efforts in the US are being focused on things that don't make much difference?

Like the light bulb phasing out - when you factor in the mercury pollution, the fact that most people won't dispose of CFLs properly and not to mention the loss of US jobs since most CFLs are made overseas, it's really a policy that does little if any good. The government refuses to tackle environmental issues on a larger scale. Banning drive-thru at fast food places would do a lot more than banning incandescent lightbulbs, make people park and walk in to the counter instead of idling engines and wasting gas. Cracking down on industries would be the biggest help though, but we all know corporate lobbyists keep that from happening.

Attn: Red Sea Pedistrians, I've gotta question...?

You better have a true Rabbi present to bless every piece of that Buffalo before it's packaged...otherwise it's not Kosher...

Why would someone post this answer?

So easy to be rude when you don't have to face the person. I highly doubt the person that posted that answer would have the guts to say it to your face.

Why do my testicles change size in different temperatures?

Yep, it's the temperature. In the cold, they shrink closer to the body to try to get some of the warmth, and in the heat, they hang lower, in order to try to keep cool. If your testicles overheat, the sperm dies or becomes less mobile.

What to see in Medan, Indonesia?

Interesting places in Medan are Samosir island, lake Toba ! Famous fruit is durian! I think Bali island having some more better places than Medan! Bali is a beautiful paradise tropical island! I guaranted that you'll enjoy and like it! You can walk on the beach, surfing, diving, seeing sunset, Bali nature and others interesting activity in Bali! For further information about interesting places, picture and the great accomodation please take a look this website a href="" rel="nofollow" Bali's people are very friendly and kind to the tourist and visitor! Good Luck my friend!

How to explain to my friends why I'm "different" all of a sudden?

I've had a rough year, and pretty much everything that happened is my fault. Well, I'm working on patching it all up now. So in order to do this, I realized I needed to make some changes. I got rid of facebook, canceled my phone, and I'm taking some time just for myself to figure things out and kind of "start over" and make some changes. I haven't been hanging out with my friends and I always make excuses. At school, I've always been a social erfly but now I'm not sure who my friends are and I don't really talk as much and I've been focusing my attention inward. My friends are bad influences and I'm trying to break off from them. I hate all he questions I'm getting. What do I tell my "friends?"

Wicked the Movie, my cast list.?

I don't think you're going to get the OBC - they're just too old to p as uni students. The only way it'd happen is if they had a different actor for Act 1 & Act 2, e.g. Lea Michele as Act 1 Elphie, Idina Menzel for Act 2. Really though, I think you might be out of luck there :( Hopefully they might give them cameos tho, like as Melena or the midwife or something. I'm Australian so would absolutely LOVE Amanda Harrison as Elphaba & Lucy Durack as Glinda, but I don't think that's very likely. I do think Lea Michele's a distinct possibility though! She'd be good because she's a Broadway performer but is well known too so would appeal to a broader audience. I just hope they pick musical performers & not just well known actors who think they can sing or singers who think they can act!

Bowl predictions? If it plays out this way.......................DO you agree?

Texas loses to florida they are overated. OSU play oregon or oregon state. and bucks win. Fiesta and orange bowl, alls i can say is Georgia tech, iowa, boise and tcu are in them. Id say they put TCU against boise in fiesta and georgia tech and iowa in orange. I cant pick who wins because i dont know who is playing in these games yet noone does. I just know Florida will play texas and win. And OSu will play oregon or oregon State.

Question for all the native speakers: to do a double take?

Doing a "double take" means you look at something twice. The first time you look without really seeing because you think you have seen what you expect to see, and so you look away, then you realise something is wrong or unfamiliar and you quickly look back again.

Interpretation of this blood test?

You may please consult your physician medical specialist for a detailed examination and necessary treatment and advice.

So yeah... I think my calculator's busted. I need help with finding the volume of half a sphere?

So, the question is this: What volume of water will this Object displace? The picture I'm given is one half a sphere with a diameter of 100 cm and height of 50 cm. The answer I got is V=196349.5408. Now I know that's wrong because everyone else that I know got different answers from me. Please help!

Need help with "Reconstruction"!!!???

Can anyone please give me all of the acts, laws, amendments, and other such things that were created during Reconstruction, from begining to end as well as a short description to match the acts, laws, etc.? Thank you so much.

Alphabet this or that!! Uunusal girl names?

Arabella,Bianca,Caristonia,Dijana ,Eden,Fleur,Genevieve,Hallie,Isla,Josefi… ,Quintessa,Rosalie,Serenity,Trinity,Uri ,Vanessa,Will,Xoie,Yasmin ,Zsa Zsa or Zahara . . . lol I have 12 misspellings .

Axle3D Nvidia GeForce 7950 GT AGP need simple quick ez help?

ok i found this agp card and its sweet lookin n nice, but is it seriously real? Axle3D? lol? i've heard of evga, xfx, bfg, visiontek, sum more but... Axle3D? are they any good? need details n info plz and tell me... does this card seriously fail like XFX's version? TOO MANY people complained about how MULTIPLE times they've gotten the card replaced from XFX and the plactics melt and bend due to being too hot when running games or 3d apps... i dont want tht happening to me, i dont wanna play around with making another computer and updating cuz i kno this card can handle most of the games these days at lower resolutions... idc bout getting a better cpu thats socket 775 or a pci express bus i dont need all tht, i want the best agp solution and i need help if this Axle3D really is what it is.. PLZ!

How Much Will It COst To Have A Birthday Party At The Newport Mansions?

I am hosting a birthday party for my daughter she is 13 I would like to know if the party she wants to have how much will the mansions cost because she really wants this party and I already have money saved up I cant be no more than 4,000

My girlfriends Ex ,children's custody battle HELP!?

With what you have described, I think its a pretty forgone conclusion. The judge is not an idiot, if all those things are doented then it will be obvious that he is not a suitable father for the children.

Is this a fair trade? baseball?

I certainly think this is a fair trade and the other owner would defintely bite on this trade. You giving up Reyes is a gamble but Crawford is a similar type player and Maggs is a upgrade. If he accepts do the deal it will benefit you

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Do you consider beauty pageants as demeaning to women?

I won't judge beauty pageants. I love to sit and watch with my male friends and say, "Do ya think she's hot? Whatcha think is y about that one?" I get lots of input about what guys find attractive or y in a woman. It's just fun for me to

What would you do if she was yours?

get a proffesional to look at her she is dangerous as she is would you sooner have a horse that can jump and move great or would you sooner be alive and i know you dont want to hear this but the rescue should not have ped on a horse that is dangerous on the ground also tb,s are pretty hyper anyway so why are you feeding what we call hotfeed [grain] get some info on cool feeds and try that if it doesnt make a diffrence after about 6 weeks thats how long ghange of diet takes to have an effect then ime afraid you have to face it she is dangerous and before you or someone else gets hurt you are going to have to make some decisions if she does hurt anyone that decision could be taken out of your hands anyway

What are my chances of getting into Dartmouth?

Check out the school website and see what type of students are typically admitted. The information is on the website. Take a look at the link below.

Need help re: mother in law. I believe her envy is destroying my relationship with her son and my life.?

This should be in the 'family and relationships' part of Yahoo Answers. Obviously your mother in law has some self image and disociating issues. I would tell her I need space and just change the subject when she gets all spacey. Tell her how you feel and that she needs to talk to a therapist.

Is zig zagging my calories enough?

to get off a weight loss plateau? i switch change my morning workouts every week and im going to start zig zagging my calories. instead of eatting 1300 every day im going to eat between 1300-and 1500 depending on how much exercising i do in a day. will this be enough to get off the plateau or should i change more of exercise?

Wood Floors or Tile??

I'm considering wood floors, but my mom thinks I should put tile, so freakin yucky! But, I saw a while back, black marble, I found a new man crush! LOL. Well tell me what ya'll think I should do?

Want to know the ethicality of m torts cases.plz suggest me sum law related sites. googlin didnt help much!?

i want to know the ethical issues related with m tot cases. plz suggest some sites or blogs wherein its dealt with...

Describe and comment on a notable battle during world war 2?

kakoda ,highly trained and experienced fighters[japanese] against poorly trained non experienced fighters,in some of the most rugged unforgiving country in the world ,both sides had supply problems along with sickness and or major health problems,no prisoners were taken as it was impossible for either side to keep them,both sides were expected to do super human things by their superiors and both sides did . it is a battle that both aussies and the japanese people should study know about and be proud of these men who came before us

What new method is Obummer using to get lotsa immoral cash from lobbyists & washington insiders?

Obama hits his regular supporters up frequently for cash, and we usually fork it over. We're not lobbyists or Washington insiders; we're just Americans.

Rock and Pop: why do people have this misconception about music on here?

For instance, let's say we're talking about a fan of Nirvana. If they were to be unhappy about anything someone said, it's usually (most of the time) not because that someone disagrees with them. It's because of the way people on here go about it. They're rude and arrogant about it. They call them bitches and all other types of names. Then, usually they go on a personal attack when the person does get offended. It's not about you disagreeing. It's about you acting like a complete dumb who is being arrogant and rude as i said. You're not that important. Get over yourselves

I have a big problem. Some one plz help!?

Okay i was going to bring my friend to a concert. It turns out that my parents don't want to drive her up to the concert because it's a 4 hour drive. So the thing is it's 6 days til the concert and she still thinks she's going. I don't know how to tell her she can't go. Also my other friends tori and stevie are not helping. They are texting her saying i wish i could go to that concert and soo on trying to give her a hint. What should i do!

What is a good company name ?

I am starting a mobile machinery repair business, hydraulics ociated. Help me with a company name, I won't be trading as this name, so it'll be just between you and me :o) Something that'll make everyone say, wow .. that's cool.

I NEED Help choosing a TV?

Hey the TV in my bedroom just died. It was a 27" Toshiba CRT. I'm a little weary about getting an LCD TV but can't find anyplace that sells CRT TVs. Any suggestions on where I can get a 25-30 inch CRT TV? If it has to be an LCD TV, any suggestions? and please no HDTV's i have no need for it and its just more money out of my pocket.

How was lost Jon Bon Jovi The Mystrey Fan for example:1) He was a Cowardly;2) He was a jealous?

Go to a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a I think you can find buddy! :o)

2006 trailblazer ball joint?

i have a 2006 chevy trailblazer ls. when the car slows to a stop it jolts forward. when accelerating it jolts. this happens btween 25-30 mph. i replaced the tie rods and water pump. thinking this may be a bad ball joint? 83,580 miles.

Which of the following speeches do u think work best as an essay rather than a speech & why?

It seems to me that in all but the Gettysburg address, the speaker was trying to engage the audience. The speaker said something to the audience and called them to action.

How do I deal with Chronic back pain while on holidays?

We are thinking of going on holidays this coming summer but I have severe chronic back pain. In 1997 I had two back surgery (broken bones so I have a bone fusion at L-4 and L-5). I will be travelling from Ottawa Canada to Prince Edward Island, Canada. Now it has been discovered that I have yet another hernia ted disc at L-2, L-3. I do take painkillers, heating pad, hot and cold packs. Anti inflammatory drugs but still I have permanent chronic pain. It seems that this has taken over my entire life. I have not gone on holidays since the surgery 11 years ago. Can anyone tell me how to travel in reasonable comfort by car on such a long trip. Many thanks in advance for all your replies. By the way I am 58 years old.

Who is Chick-Fil-A's chicken supplier?

I love their chicken man - I KNOW it isn't Tyson, I cook their patties all the time at home. They are good, but not the same. I'd say since thats their bread and er, they are NOT going to give away any secrets. Enjoy!

How can i become a prince???

i know that i am related to nobility but i really want to become a prince or al least a duke and nothing else please dont put any stupid answers down. By the way i am related to Baron Goring, Earl Goring and Lord Goring please help??? can i buy it???

I have tinnitus, and many questions about it...?

You haven't tried the sounds in your room? If you can handle the outside noises/birds etc..stands to reason you could experiment with CDs etc. Lipoflavanoids have shown promise in helping changes...less caffiene..etc have various herbs etc. Maybe check out a natural practitioner in your area

Emotionally cheating bf/ another chance.. is it fair for me to tell him what to do with this girl?

well im a guy, and from all points of views....its best if he breaks all ties with this woman, its unhealthy for him as well as you for him to have constant contact with someone who he had feelings for and was actually willing to break up with you over. He has come to his senses thankfully for you. So ask him in the nicest possible way to consider how he would feel if the situation was reversed. What would he want you to do with another man??? You arent being unreasonable. Dont meet her if you are an emotional person, because you will picture this woman more often than not and eventually your relationship could break down. I'm not saying this is definately how it will pan out....but its a scenario you want to consider. Hope this helps.

Who or what is Dark Child, I've heard alot artists like Beyonce, Brandy, Tony Braxton say it in a song?

Rodney "Darkchild" Jerkins (born September 14, 1977 in Pleasantville, New Jersey) is an African-American Grammy Award-winning songwriter, record producer, and musician. Working largely with his brother Fred Jerkins III & writer LaShawn Daniels, Jerkins has been an extremely in-demand producer for over a decade, being requested by such legends as Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston & Lionel Richie. He has also produced recent singles by Mary J. Blige ("Enough Cryin'") and Beyonc� ("Deja Vu") and worked on the latest album from Ciara. The word "Darkchild" appears in some form in many of his tracks.

Can someone please explain what "cloud computing" is in laymen's terms?

I am not a tech nut. I know enough about it but I'm not obsessed and engrossed in all of it. Anyway, I was reading the top ten Tech stories from the the 2000's and it talked about cloud computing. I looked it up on Wikipedia but it still doesn't make a lot of sense. Can someone please explain it to me?

I need energy!?

It seems there are not enough hours in the day! I just started grad school, and I am tired all the time. I know I am sleep deprived - I REM as soon as I fall asleep (took a 10 minute nap this morning and dreamt). I've had my blood, and I am not iron deficient. Red Bull doesn't work, and neither does caffeine. On a related note, b/c of an unknown health condition, I'm pretty much restricted to water only (seeing a doc about that this week). But I'm not sure if it's b/c I don't exercise. But when I do, I feel tired, not energized. Should I change my diet? I just started taking Ginseng pills yesterday. I need to stay awake, but I feel really fatigued. Also, I would listen to rock music to stay awake, but that makes it hard to study, and I listen to rock a lot and can fall asleep to it now. Help!

How to find pH of a solution of a base and an acid? CHEM HELP?

What is the pH of a solution made from mixing 100.0 mL of 0.80M sodium hydroxide and 150.0 mL of 0.75M acetic acid. K(acetic acid= 1.8 x 10-5)

Help me choose between these three YA books?

I've only read Elsewhere and A Northern Light, but I'd pick A Northern Light. I want to say it felt more mature, for lack of a better word, but maybe I'm just thinking of realistic. Anyways, it's a really good book.

Can you get a pell grant for on line schools and if so what ones? Thank you ahead of time?

my daughter wanted to attend a regular walk in school but she has not lived in calif for a full year yet

Are Rush Limbaugh's generalizations about Liberals correct?

I was just reading answers to someone else's question and everything he says about them seems to be true. Try to refrain from answering if you don't listen to his show.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I'm playing fantasy football for the first time ever?

For the first time a sold B+, for a regular player, a B-. You NEVER draft players on the same team and right now you have 2 sets or 2 on the same team and 1 set of 3! Trade LenDale for Darren Sproles or Jonathon Stewart, and Kellen Winslow (who sucks) for another TE and drop Stafford because Culpepper already won the job and you should be good. GOOD LUCK

If 500 people saw Jesus alive after he died, why don't you believe?

the bible doesn't count as a credible source, that's why. if i wrote a book that said i, along with 500 people, saw two bigfoots having would you believe that?

Hello to all suffering anxiety can i have some help please?

does anyone here get a feeling htey have to force there self to breath get fluttering in chest all night long wake up feeling big confused and tired feeel like heart judders in chest makes u panic an feel abit dizzy feel like your breathing is blocked up feel your living in a dream world dont have much energy ive been told i have anxiety since a night i neally collapsed while out partying with friends my life is crap at the moment im 20 years old could this be a heart problem people say i scared my self when i neally collpased an its causin anxiety my heads high in thinkin all day i cant focus very wel slight blury vison eyes hurt after abit blood preasure high diffrent readings at diffrent times i have red and white blotch hands that go pale sometimes i have 3 holidays comin up an anxiety is goin to wreck them when i walk feels like my legs are wobbleing when sometimes belly akesnon stop back ake

Is the pak shack good?

THE BACK PACK IS BETTER.. but the pak shack is a decent hitting team.. but if your lookin for da best of the west... u gotta choose the back packs, they hold stuff well and its hard to lose with them.

6 year old with a bladder control problem?

My daughter is also 6 and she has this same problem. I have taken her to the doctor and there is not a problem. It usually happens when she is playing "she just holds it until she can't hold it anymore". Or it happens when she laughs :O) She will say "oh no i wet myself a little"...she just started 1st grade last week and on the 3rd day she had an accident BUT she did tell her recess teacher that she had to go and the teacher told her she would have to wait... but once she has to go she has to go RIGHT then, she has already held it to the point that it is right there and ready. It is just something that we have began to work on. I tell her to go and use the bathroom at every chance she gets "while at school" even if she does not "have" to go she has to try. Then I called the teacher and told her that if she has to use the restroom I want her to be allowed to go right then, that she can not hold it. She is getting better, I think that it is just a matter of taking time out of whatever she is doing to use the bathroom, she is a little girl and precious and if this is the worst thing that we face this year we are blessed.

Ice cream on front porch?

hey guys so i have a question it is 1 in the morning, i was sleeping and someone rang my doorbell and left a pint of blue bell ice cream... what does this mean? I just moved into this house like 2 months ago and dont really know anyone.... so im confused!!!

What are some popular Italian dishes?

I want to make some thing Italian, aside from spaghetti, chicken parmesan, fettuccine alfredo, lasagna, and even pizza... If you know any good recipes for ITALIAN dishes that would be great, it can be sauces, desserts, or appetizers as well, thank you! :) Just make sure you label it for me please.

What is the primary reason why Obama's approval rating has significantly increased over the past 3 months?

I think both C and D, and I would also add that the economy is starting to pick up a little bit as well. Investors are starting to make investments in areas that they weren’t before, in large part due to the lack of “accomplishments” the government has been doing as of recent. Congressional deadlock would be great for the economy, since all the government fixes have only made matters worse.

Motorcycle Brand with ECU on board?

Pretty much every streetbike. Most bikes have fuel injection, which requires an ECU, and even those that don't usually have electronically controlled ignition for reduced emissions. In terms of diagnostics, most bike manufacturers have their own software, rather than adhering to a universal standard.

Windows Vista Browsing Problem?

You should scan your registry to find out the reasons! Because most computer problems are born in a part of your system - the registry. This is the central database of Windows, which actually stores some of your computer's most important files and settings. Because it's used so much, the registry database is actually prone to becoming corrupt and damaged, which makes Windows struggle to read the files inside it. Unfortunately, 100's of registry files are corrupted every week and Windows has no way to protect against it - it's this problem which causes most of your computer's problems. The problem is that when these files are corrupted, your PC actually takes longer to read them and often can't read them at all.You can use a Registry cleaner. a href="" rel="nofollow"http://best-way-to-improve-pc-performanc…/a Registry cleaners are tools which have been created to scan through the registry. They work by scanning each file and then checking to see if it's corrupt or causing problems. If they find that it is broken, the registry cleaner will replace or fix the file for you to make your computer speed up and become free of errors. You should have a try! Good Luck!

Friends problems I'm terrified of upsetting her she gets me down sometimes help?

Ask her why she acts like this. Tell her how you feel. If she doesn't live too far away, invite her over. Trust me, I had the same problem . Once I talked to her about it everything was great again!

Have problem with dad...?

You will regret the hurt you cause because you do not think before you speak if it ever happens that you can not make it right. Consider loosing him abruptly and not being able to make it right.

Flying at 15 weeks pregnant?

Im off to Cyprus In may to get married, I will be 15 weeks pregnant when we go. Getting nervous, spoke to doctor she said Im healthy so no need to worry. Any advice??

Do you know of anyone or are you one of those types of people that keeps souvenirs from all of your ex'es?

I still have old pix of my most recent ex. Ive thrown a lot of things out.. but some things I keep. He was a major part of my life.. and I guess I'll throw it out when I want to..

Can you ever remember a time that you had to turn on a heater, in the middle of summer, during the day?

I just had to dig out my under desk heater and plug it in to keep myself warm and its July! Anyone else notice any weird phenomenon they would like to share with the world that has just manifested its-self in recent times. Something unheard of previous to the rapidly changing times we live in today?

I have a red rash on my neck... help?

it could be from wearing a necklace if you have. lots of my friends get them when they wear necklaces and there not really sore they just itch a bit but when they itch them it makes it redder and more obvious. just leave a bag of frozen peas on it for a while if it feels inflamed. =]

Who are some artists that there are at least two versions of?

the Cure would be my favourite example, followed closely by Ministry, both of which underwent some dramatic changes leaving them with two sets of work that would not be idenifiable by anyone as being by the same artists.

Who says we can't win in Iraq?

If we lose in Iraq, it is the fault of the American people. In WW II we destroyed the Japanese Empire, the Third Reich, and all their proxys in a global conflict, but now the traitors in the Democrat party say we cannot destroy a ragtag group of bums in some 3rd world backwater state? We could sweep through the entire Middle East and leave a trail of death and destruction in our wake if we had the will to. But Americans are soft and week now: The effeminization of the American male by the lest. It is our own fault we are losing, and the fault of the spineless godless leftists all the way from Pelosi to the sbags in the Univerities. I just can't fathom how traitorous and cowardly so many Americans have become. I can understand the French being that way - they couldn't win a war if they had to. But how did WE get this way?

Girls Can I Get Her? (10 points)?

Hey I am a girl and it seems to me that she may have a little crush on you..haha :) When i was first reading this i thought, man hes not gonna get her, but then after last sunday it sounds like yall are doing good! I think you should text her first!! When a guy txts a girl she knows he is thinkin about her and if she really likes you, you will no!! But only time will tell. :) Good luck!!!!!

I am writing an argumentative essay about academic probation:whats your opinion?

Well in the cases of academic probation the education you are receiving is a privilege, not a right. So I agree with it. It's a warning, basically saying "If you don't want your education bad enough to work for it...someone else does." And the universities and schools that implement academic probation are perfectly willing to allow someone who really wants their education to take your place. Academic probation is the very thing allowing you to make mistakes, and basically giving you a second chance.

How to make your underarms look smooth and hairless?

I've seen many WNBA players that have very smooth underarms and it looks like there was never any hair under their pits. and it doesnt look like they shave? what do i do to make my underarms look like that?

Warning: semi-gross question about puberty for men...?

It's not gross at all. Whether you're a 13 year old or a 44 year old man, you'll always experience s no matter where. Just leave it alone and think of other stuffs.

Help...I am writting a resignation letter but I don't know what my manager's name is...what do I do?

I have only worked there a week, and every shift there is a different person in charge of my job...I don't know anyones name..what do I do? And I am not sure who to hand it to...I know who the general manager of the whole place is...but he is on holidays I believe, and the executive chief is also on holidays I believe. The next person to the executive chief is the ones that change every shift...and are the ones in control of my department..but I still don't know there names...what do I do?

Sugar Ray Leonard vs Aaron Pryor. Who wins?

15 rounds with Pryor moving up to welterweight. It's been said that Leonard always avoided fighting Pryor.

Why do people confuse "conservative" with "corporatist?"?

Liberals think that its the GOP who is the only ones who have ever had power in America, if we look at 1933-1980 in America, congress was controlled by democrats except for 2 year periods under truman and eisenhower

Is he afraid to say he likes me too?


Mixed Signals: What Is He Really Thinking?

I've been dating my boyfriend for 6 months, and I'm really in love with him, and he says that he's really in love with me too. He says that he's never felt this way about anyone before, and that he's been waiting a looong time for me! I've never dated anyone like him before either, and I would just like some insight into that male brain of his. We get along great and are really 'in sync' with each other in almost every aspect of life. Things have been moving along well, but seemed to go quicker at the start of our relationship. For instance, he gave me a key to his house after only a month, and told me he loves me after 2 months. However, we've been together for 6 months and never taken a day trip together, let alone a vacation or weekend getaway. He calls me every day, and he's very thoughtful and generous in non-romantic ways, like taking care of my car, or helping to fix something around my apartment. He's just not romantic...we've never done anything remotely romantic together. Even when he told me he loves me, he surprised me by showing up unexpectedly to my apartment, but he just handed me a dozen roses and told me he loved me into my hair as we hugged (in fact, I didn't even hear him at first). I do believe that he loves me, but it just made the whole experience seem not authentic...almost like he did what the 'thought' he should do and not that he 'wanted' to, if that makes any sense? He said that he was just scared because he's received negative outcomes when he's done similar things in the past with ex-girlfriends. I'm happy with everything else in our relationship, but I feel a lack of emotional intimacy, because he never tells me how he feels about me other than "I love you", and I guess in my mind I would expect that we would've at least spent a day trip or a weekend away by now (one of my friends even said that surprises her too). He does work long hours (he's a crane operator) and doesn't always have alot of free time, but whenever he does have free time, he's always doing something related to his cars or grocery shopping. There's always some kind of car appointment, or we're shopping for car parts, etc., and therefore have no time for anything else. I've expressed my feelings to him about these things (several times in fact), and he says he'll work on them, but nothing has changed. I just feel frustrated and don't know what to do. It's like we started dating, and now we're an old married couple or something. I love him, and I know he does love me, but I guess in my mind I would think that he would want some 1-on-1 time doing those sorts of things with me? He just says that I should take the lead, but whenever I have in the past (for example, suggested a day trip somewhere), he always says no because he has some sort of car appointment, etc., so I gave up trying. Any thoughts, insight or advice? Oh, and we're both in our early 30's, if that makes a difference..

How can I get rid of a dog that's followed my dog home?

Hi my dogs on heat and last week wen I had hur out a dog came from no were and ended up following us home even no I shouted at it n chased it now every time I take my dog out this dog comes from no were no matter the time its been there at day and nite and I need to take my dog in doors as this dog just doesn't leave I chase it it just come back n back again this has been happenin for a week now how can I get rid of it . Sum one I know feed the dog and was planning to call in the pdsa but the dog went for them so I'm not trying that one and it's only there 10-20 min thn gos away n come back wen ever

My sister swung something at me. What should I do?

Well, you already told your parents so that's done. What did your parents say anyway? Whatever "dirt" she has on you is probably far less serious than her throwing a plate at you, potentially hurting you very severely. Hitting is one thing, but throwing a plate directly at your head is another. Her being the older one, she needs to know how to control her emotions. I think you did the right thing by telling your parents. What would you apologize for anyway? You didn't do anything wrong; she was the one who tried killing you! And don't worry about her exposing any kind of "dirt" on you to your parents...I'm sure she feels pretty bad about what she did. Wait for her to apologize and in the meantime, don't talk to her.

How to make my tooth thick, make my gap closed, & make my whole teeth aligned?

This is a tough question and I don't know what the answer might be but if anyone would know, I would think it might be the people I trust at India Herbs. This is a site that builds strong healthy bodies with herbs, good nutrition and mental focus or meditation. If anyone could help, I would think it might be they. Check out the site for their overall philosophy, methods, products and processes. The video links can give you a very good alternative health education. Maybe they can help you through the diagnostic and recommendation process you can do online. That's where I get the best results.


my friend just challenged a grl to,can u all suggest a site which should be only one chanced and tough?

Whats up with this girl??whats happening?

Oh, God, not again. This is the second time you have posted this. Has the first posting been resolved. I remember replying to it.

Do you face you demons with a quiet resignation?

like surrender? i think if i surrender it means im giving my demons the authority to rule over me. i face my demons like a loud warrior, its a continous battle i would never dread in doing so even though the chance of winning is very slim.

Star Wars Toy?

my little cousin loves star wars he has a collection of light saver....he wants a darth mal one......ive sen them before but know i can find one......can anyone plz elp me find on some where????

How can I clear a clogged kitchen sink?

sometimes the easiest way to clear a clog is to pull the pee trap under the sink . clear out the area under the pipes,place pan under the pipe back off the nut to the trap , let water drain out the tail piece that goes into wall has a nut also pull this nut trap should come out check for debris in the pipe clean at another sink. shine light into pipe in wall to see if it is clogged (some times the clog is at the bend in wall. if all clear reemble tighten. run hot water down drain . hope this helps

Are you ready to turn over your 401K to the federal gov't in exchange for a GRA?

The author of this article a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a does not think it is right and fair that you get to decide how much you want to save for retirement on your own and you are too dumb to choose investments so you need to turn it over to the gov't and they will guarantee a 3% rate of return and give you a pension when you reach their retirement age. When you die they keep half of it. You cannot borrow from it like you can now. Oh yes, you are limited to only contributing 5% of your income with no match except for a $600 tax credit. Watch out, she recently testified before the legislature and Nancy and Harry are lovin' her idea. We haven't heard from Barry on it but we know how he likes to redistribute.

Topic sentance?

i need a topic sentance for my science summary. (it's midnight and i haven't slept in a few days, so i just can't think.) the topic is motion. i just need a topic sentance for motion. i am not sure if i need to put any more info about the lesson on here, and if you answer this, please try to help, but also tell me and i will.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Need help with lyrics please what do ya think if this song?

So heres a song i wrote while in was bored in english i need opinions and help please and constructive criticism. friends and i are starting a band and our mothers just say great job so we dont know if its actually goog so.... You're like a tornado you're sucking me in it may seem crazy but you're starting to win, i can't fight this any more your bringing me down you're winning this war and what can i do and what can i do, like a tornado sucking me in, wreaking havoc all on your own, all your own. Soon i'll be gone and soon i'll then who will you pull in with your charisma who's life will you destroy next? You're like a tornado you're sucking me in it may seem crazy but you;re starting to win you once looked so inviting now i don't know, i don't know about you anymore whoa oh anymore

How would one react knowing their son was sent to prison for a crime he Commited and got killed?

of course the family would care and so would the prison it's self care, with the person [if known] facing more jail time and charges...........

Why do people think that Obama refusing to salute the flag is a lie made up by the Republicans?

Because they believe whatever he says. They do whatever he says. They think whatever he thinks. I know for a fact that the democrats don't want to bail out Wall Street- but you would never know it because since Obama is for the bailout- they are for the bailout! I don't EVER see an Obama supporter disagree with ANYTHING he says- he can do no wrong in their opinions! As for the flag- they will tell you he wore a flag pin at the debate & call you a liar, or just skip your question altogether.

Hey, can anyone think of a good name for a public sculpting studio/gallery?

I want it to sound edgy, and the one word i would commonly ociate with the design style is "slice". The design is in Melbourne Australia, so no foreign words outside of english.

English women- are they as amazing as they seem?

I think it depends where you go. There's some people who have looks and intelligence & kindness, some who just have looks, some who just have intelligence. The stereotypical Scouser (to me, in the part of England where I come from) is the same as Es: a bit loud, brash, fake, and not very intelligent. There are stereotypes like this for every part of England, but on the whole I think English women are no more amazing than other nationalities..

Where would I report a very serious scam for money being done through yahoo?

You can't stop these scams. they operate outside the USA and anybody can send you e mail. What I found works is to write them back and INSIST that they just send the money to you. Act mad and confused and they drop you quick..

What would be your Celebrity Survivor cast?

Who would you pick to be on Celebrity Survivor. List your castaways below. I will pick the best answer based on what I think would be the most interesting season.

After a one night stand, 15years later, Do I owe child support?

A older woman with 2 children was on vacation new years eve. I had with her under her word she could not get pregnant! Ileft the Fla. Keys to Kansas a week later to propose marrige. I soon learned she was a callgirl and was still active with supposedly my baby in her. After she put the baby in jepordy at a water park, and told me it was not my baby in any way, nor would I ever have a say in anything about the baby. I went back home to south florida. I lived with no contact at all. It really affected me!I am shaking now and hoping for serious answers. They all moved here after the mother got put on felony probation for trying to burn her home down for money. Then proceeded to try to sue me after 8 years and it never worked. I was willing to sign then if I could have college added at more expence to me. They left it out in the final draft! I didnt sign! Now at 15 years of no contact exept any havoc possable and theres more... From Kansas I am being sued. I have love but no money???

Help with TiVo PLEASE!?

So I finally got a TiVo! I also got a bunch of my favorite shows programmed for me (thanks hubby!). But now when I looked it up besides every show recorded there is a yellow exclamation mark. What does this mean? Any help greatly appreciated!

Can you play ds games on psp? firmware 5.01?

I have a psp firmware 5.01m33 i tried putting the psp portal on but when it told me to go on the browser and put in the address in the line after i would hit start it would say cannot be displayed. None of the videos on it have acctually show a game playing that i can find, i just want to play about 3 games thats all i have a 8gig mem card for that or a 16gig also.

How to harden muscles....?

I have been weightlifting for about 3 years now,for wrestling.but i need to know how to harden you muscles,and make them look more defined.i already m the strongest kid on my team,pound-per-pound,but i want to intimidate anybody who looks at me,and i want my abs to jolt out another inch.right now,they jolt out of my obliques about 1-1.5 muscle crazy,i jsut wnat that more defined look.i dont want to take any supplements,unless its lik a vitamain,like an example would be to take more vitamin d for muscles development.but what i really want is to know what kind of foods to a wrestler,i obviously need to watch my weight,so i can't really eat a lot of food at once.if you know of any foods like this,plz share.thnx!

Good with babies but not older kids?

I consider myself to be great with babies. I am a nurturing person, I believe my purpose in life is to be a caregiver. I have 2 children of my own. I always thought I was a good mother. I stayed at home with my babies, was always the one to get up with them at night,snuggled them, fed them, changed them, bathed them and tucked them into their cozy onesies. Now that my children are older I feel so lost! They have their own opinions and life away from me. To be completely honest they can be annoying too! That doesn't mean I don't love them. I'm just having a hard time adjusting to motherhood of school aged kids. Things were much easier when they couldn't talk. I want to be the best mother for them. So I am looking for any ideas to help me be closer with my kids again. books? personal experience?

Heart Problem,High blood pressure, Pregnant..scared!?

Ok. here's the deal. I am 28 years old. I am about 8 weeks pregnant. I found out about 4 weeks ago that I was pregnant and was taken off of metoprolol 25 mg twice a day by my dr. and put on Aldomet for my high blood pressure because of the pregnancy. He discontinued the beta blocker suddenly without weaning me off, and ever since I have been getting PVC's like crazy and my heart has been racing. I wore a holter monitor and my heart rate was shown to go up as high as 210 bpm. I was told that I had periods if supraventricular tachycardia and that I needed to see a cardiologist. Well, I went to the cardiologist a few days ago and he pretty much did an EKG(normal) and then sent me home with another monitor. I am terrified out of my mind. My BP is still high. I wake up in the morning and it is about 120/80 and then gradually goes up throughout the day. It usually stays about 140/90, but when I am anxious will go up even higher..I have incredible anxiety and I am terrified. My cardiologist told me that I have a murmur and said that it sounds like the aortic valve..My question is..I have never gotten these PVC's before I was taken off of the metoprolol ..could it be related to that and the pregnancy or is there something serously wrong with my heart??I am an anxious person and everyone says its the anxiety but I have never gotten these before. The SVT I have had on and off for a few years but lately its gotten worse..Any ideas??

A question for the ladies...?

I think it depends on your style (what bike matches you ), oh and a bike, no matter what kind it is, doesn't or won't make you y.....

Here's one for girls?

it depends on how fast your hair grows. some people have to shave every few days , some every week. nair usally helps you to stay smooth longer but not allways, it depends on the person.. happy to help!:)

Undecided major in college?

I'm 21 yrs old and undecided about what I should major in. I started in criminal justice and then moved to paralegal studies. I definitely am very pionate about studying crime and landing a career dealing with criminals or children. But I always second guess about what I should finish college in b/c I get told countless times that a cj degree will get me nowhere, but I dont have such a strong pion about other majors. Im wondering if i should take the risk. Pion or paycheck is the question??? Any advice??

Do you sacrifice animals, christians?

people keep saying that's in the old testament -- if god's so freaking awesome, why does he need a new testament? I say we start having public sacrifices every Monday morning, since we can't seem to keep church and state seperate, we might as well make it entertaining!

Are You A Conformist?

Do you see the value in alternative religions like Satanism, Paganism, and the Occult. Do you realize that Christianity has long been disproved and that it is just a Legend taken from countless pagan sources ( do you realize how happy and satisfied with life you could be and yes I used to be a Christian myself and thought I was happy until I decided to leave it and it was the most empowering and beautiful experience in my life.

I need some other Christians' advice please?

So my boyfriend, both in our mid 20s and I have been together for 10 months. We knew w/in the 1st month of dating we wanted to get married. (No 'formal' engagement yet) he is really a great guy and I love him a lot...but.. here is an issue I have: he sees nothing wrong with Hooters restaraunt. He claims he goes there just for the wings. He told me he went last week (I asked) and the girl flirted w/ him and his friends and they said they were taken. I am upset! It is a place that promotes -. He argues that he doesn't lust for them and 'ppl take their kids' & 'the beach has bikinis- much worse!' when we had an argument he basically said he woudnt give up going there even if it meant breaking up with me. He said I am really making a big deal. I just don't see it as godly. Yeah, the beach and bikinis...but ppl go there to swim! I feel my desire to spend my life with him is tainted by his attending this distasteful place. Help! I'm heartbroken.

What is a good title for my civics project?

ok so i have to do a project that rewuires me to list the ten ammendments and three others and explain them and make it like a book with an epiliouge and prolouge and we have to name the book with something to do with the bill of rights or freedom or patriotic or you know what i mean if u kno any short catchy titles it would help alot it is due in 2 days and i havent even started so please help me out!!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Is it illegal to date someone underage even though the both of you are not in the same state??

im about 2 b sixteen nd mi boyfriend iz 21. i live in california nd he livez in texas. mi parentz found nd they dont lyk it. i waz jus wonderin can he stil git in trouble anyway? we haven't had and were jus waitin 2 i turn 18 to b 2gether.

Why is he mad at me?

me and this guy were talking at the moment and like he gets mad at me for no reason and like he calls me babe and i call him babe too but like im a asian grl wit a black gurls *** and he gets mad when his boys look at it why is he mad at me instead of his boys i dont get it hes a junior and ima sopre

How do you beat Tanya in the conquest mode for Mortal Kombat? Trying everything, not working.?

If it's the scene I played or thinking of Ur playing as that old guy w/white hair and beard?! Then U need 2 watch, b/c she likes 2 do a mive amount of moves and then stop 4 like 3 or 4 seconds-that gives U the chance 2 do low kicks, uppercuts, upper-kicks. Then back off while she does her 3 or 4 seconds of moves and move in again w/Ur defense of low moves and uppercuts. It takes time but eventually it works and U will beat her. Blieve me it took me like 3 days 2 finally beat her. Btween getting my kicked mively, as well as, getting irate! Good Luck:)

Why do you think my boyfriend wants me to do this?

I think for every guy, the thought of this is a big turn on! If you're confident enough to do it, then do it! No harm in it at all, a little bit of fun for him and it'll drive you both into wanting eachother so much! x

Dont you find it hard to remember Chinese names?

I love it. Thanks for this jewel of phonemics. Or is it pneumonics? Whatever.... I especially love the one for Born Ugly.

For the Ladies, I am Male and how should I react to this?

You should decide if she's worth the waiting and uncertainty until she makes up her mind. If she is, 1 is the right answer. If you're not sure you want her anyway when she gets around to deciding what she wants, then 4 is the answer.

At what week schould you be able to hear your baby's heart beet for the first time?

Usually around 8 to 10 weeks is when you can really hear it for the first time with a doppler. However it can be seen as early as 5 weeks with a sonogram.

One Piece And Fairy Tail?

Is it just me or does Natsu resemble Luffy personality and looks wise, and happy just sounds like Chopper. im starting to notice the similarities between other characters too, and the fact that Natsu and Luffy cause needless amounts of destruction, although in he world of One Piece, the extra destuction can be fixed quickly.(Not counting the Going Merry of course)

I have an authentic bob ross painting that i am interested in finding out how much it is worth?

i have checked with askart .com and some local art appraisal places but nobody is authenticated with certificate from bob ross inc. .for decent amount i might be willing to sell.

ADD and a pre-teen...medication or hormones??

I have a boy almost 12 who is pre-puberty and trying to be very independant. He was diagnosed ADD 2 years ago and has been taking Adderall XR 10mg. since then. He loves to have the last word and of course is always right, hates housework, homework and discipline. His mouth runs alot! and gets him into trouble often. Since school is out for the summer, i have accidentally, on purpose?, forgot his medication on days that he has slept in....and his mood seems to be more laid back and not so angry on those days. Could this be a sign that the med. is causing the irritability? or is it just a coincidence of having a good day. Of course, this is something i will discuss with his doctor, but, I was just hoping maybe someone with knowledge or with ADD could give me some perspective. Hormones of a pre-teen or medication?? Thanks!

Theres this girl in scholol?

her frends told me they she likes me but idk wat 2 do :L shud i say i like her earer 2? lol i never had a girlfrend so it wud be awesome plz hlep!!! :L:L:L

Would this get me into Upenn?

I have a 3.5 GPA, 2150 SAT score, 150 hours of comunity service, I will of been in the marines for four years as of next fall . Also I played 2 sports lacrosse and hockey for all four years of highschool. I was in 4 to 5 clubs throught my highschool career. To note i was in honors / enriched math, english, science and history since sophmore year. I have four years of spanish as well. Will this get me into Upenn?!?! If so what is really helping me I thought my marine time would help alot. If not where should i have improved.

Please to keep pet rats cozy-pie in a garage?

I'm planning on keeping 2 pet rats in a cage in my garage and want advice on the best, economical way of keeping my ratties cozy. I can't spend a lot on heating, but want some method that will keep the garage warm-at the moment the garage is soooo cold and I've heard that there are various ways of keeping rats warm...heat lamps, ceramic-bulb thingies, halogen heating...but which is best??? Please help

My boyfriend is an alcoholic, how do I support him in his recovery?

you call him a no good alcoholic who will never amount to anything in life and your gonna screw any guy that comes your way until he gets off his and stop uses alcohol as an excuse for his problems

When rabbits make a grinding noise?

When I hold and stroke my rabbit he will grind and sort of chatter his teeth. I know that with guinea pigs it means they're annoyed, is it the same with rabbits?

Federal taxes owed?

Ok, heres the situation, I will try to be brief. My girlfried has been divorced for three years, was married for 15 years. Her husband worked as a contractor, so his pay never had any federal taken out. He was responsible for paying his taxes quarterly. She paid the max amount to offset what hed owe. Today she found out that hes only filed for the years 1993 and 1995 and that $12,000 is owed for just those two years. The IRS is going to start garnishing her wages after April 15th. She honestly did NOT know he didnt file and shes at a loss. Is there ANY recourse she can do? Thank you....

RHH-what's your opinion?

Pretty darn good. The only line I would change would be the stuttering, only because you sound like a bad *** in the rest, but the weakness doesn't quite fit. Unless you were going for that.

Is my friend gay/biual?

I asked this question a few days ago and I didn't get any good answers so I'm asking again. I was on msn the other night with my friend and we started talking about , he then asked me how big my was and I answered and then he told me his size. He then said he's never touched himself before and he asked me if he should try tonight when he's in the shower. I was on the phone with him last night and he sent me a night vision picture of him with a wife beater and boxers on and then he asked me if I've ever slept . Sorry if I gave too many details but I thought it was necessary to getting a good answer this time, I wouldn't care at all if he was bi/gay but I'm kinda nervous to ask and I'm hoping I can find out from your answers.

Windows Startup?

When I start up Windows XP, the logo and loading comes up but after that, my screen goes black. Also I cannot logon except for safe mode which I can't do anything in. Someone please help. Thanks.

Uploading and Using a photography website template?

I would look at a few unlimited hosting packages as images might require alot of bandwidth if not optimized - is a good place to start. Once hosting has been decided and domain transferred you can simply upload the files to the domains folder on the server

What type of meatless meat (quorn, boca, etc) tastes the most like actual meat?

The Morningstar Chick patties taste EXACTLY like meat :) Also the Yves if You Please Deli 'Meats' are pretty good. You can buy them at S-mart

What is the moral of this fable?

The moral lesson is: "stay on the safe side...never trust the sweet words spoken by someone whose mouth is full of sharp fangs."

Good night out in west Midlands.......?

Me and my sister want to go out for the night either friday or saturday. there is only oceana in wolverhampton on a friday. And saturday well i cant think of anywhere. She doesn't want to go to Walsall as she knows too many people. Anyone from the midlands got any good places to go clubbing? Thanks

HP 7 theories?

I think that at least one person who appears to be dead (Dumbledore or Sirius) really is working undercover against Voldemort. Also I think Neville will die/become more important because she wouldn't have put in the part where the prophecy could have been about him or Harry if it wasn't important.

What kind of art is it when you...?

What category of art is it when you take something and turn it into something completely opposite? Like sculpting a pirate ship made out of candy hearts and rainbows with unicorns steering the ship. I'm filling Mozzarella with Co2 and making them into "Balloons", however I want to categorize it under an actual subject like Art Decco or Contemporary, not just "looks good dude"

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Geometry troubles?

right now i have an 80 average in geometry- the quarter closes fri. and i have to keep my 80 average- we have a test tommorrow on sine, cosine, tangen, vectors ..... and i dont understand a thing - HELP --- its holt and rhinehart 2007 -- the textbook - thanx

Do you think Charles Barkley is super annoying?

I think he is also a hypocrite because of last year's warriors vs. Dallas series. He said Dallas would take it no doubt in the beginning, but in the end, he was wearing an "I Believe" t shirt. Don't get me wrong i think the warriors are a fine team, but Charles Barkley is such an annoying yst on TNT. It makes you wonder if he even knows what basketball is, maybe that fight with Shaq destroyed some brain cells.

Instead of fondant, is it ok if i practice flower making for cakes with polymer clay?

I wanted to practice making the flowers for cakes, but instead of fondant, can I use polymer clay? because I find it very expensive to practice with real fondant icing, but if I use polymer clay, I can use it over and over....


This is BY FAR the stupidest question! Short girls are not ugly. And you are a loser for thinking so.

I want to go to the toilet really badly..but am scared .what shall i do?

You are a Warrior! Invincible and strong. You have the courage of a mother bear fighting for her cubs. No little spider can scare you. March through the darkness with your bravery shining brilliantly and go to the bathroom.

On Alvins Mix on the Jim Rome Show. What does Brian Giles mean by "His brother is Pedro" ? Why is it funny

I know he is talking about Pedro and Ramone Martinez, but what is he saying about them? Did they do something that he made fun of? I was not following baseball or listening to theJungle at that time in history. Its bugginh me to find out what that meant. Can some one help? Thanks

In which lab should I do an internship ?

Do an internship at University of Pennsylvania. I'm doing one at a genetics laboratory over the summer which sounds close to what you're looking for.

~*How do you create chemistry prior to dating? note: im in a long distanse "friendship" plz! expr A's needed~*?

just tell him ur ready to go 1 level up but wanna take it slow. (like makeout(kiss) without having . to start off with.

On a scale of 1 to 100, how much do you trust you US Senator, US Representatives, local politicans, etc.?

77. I think most politicians have the best intentions, but sometimes they find, once they're in office, that it is harder to make good on their campaign promises.

What to do..What to do..What to do with the YARN!?

Well my friends and I always make friendship bracelet made out of sting (used for sewing). Well my dad thought we used YARN so he went out and bought like 10 rolls of yarn and threw the reciete away and took the tags off and every thing. WAY TO GO DAD! Anyways i need something to do with this yarn. Any Suggestionss???

Taxi fare from Waterbury CT to Litchfeild CT, instant 10 points for definitive awanser?

Folks how much would it cost me to hire a taxi from Waterbury CT to Litchfield CT and vice versa? Also how much would it cost me to hire a taxi from litchfield CT to Poughkeepsie NY and vice versa. 10 points to who ever can do this and give me a definite answer.

Why do you use this argument? "Lack of transitional fossils" proves evolution wrong?

It is just something they are taught to parrot by their preachers. Chances are if you ask them to elaborate on what kind of transitional fossils they are looking for exactly they will just say "Mmm....I dunno" Fossils showing macro and micro evolution have already been found and keep being found.

Help me with my riddle... the whole town is out looking for this item?

the game clock at a school is my guess... the tweet crack bang, sounds by the mascots, etc. and jump yell hurray, excited. umm, look high, its high up... it will tell you who is winning and when the guest are there?

Where can i get coyote...?

where can i get coyote call information videos on the internet? i have two calls, a knight and hale and a critter call, and i have a little idea on how to use them and i was wondering if anyone out there has a video the can teach me better on how to use them. not just these calls in general but any call in particular.

How hard is it to perform a spade on my cat?

I am no veterinarian, but I am pretty broke. Stock market crippled me. I got this god forsaken cat getting pregnant all the time. Can anybody tell me what tools I will need for this.

"The creation is proof of a creator'?

"The creation is proof of a creator' only works after showing that something is a "creation". So it's an idiotic argument.

Byp Isa server Proxy on LAN for program that do NOT SUPPORT proxy !!!?

Doing this without permission from the network admin (me) where I work will get you fired, no questions asked. Ask your IS department if they can help you with this or update your resume.

Where Can I Find This Version of Cell Block Tango?

I need to find a version of the song Cell Block Tango (He Had it Coming) on iTunes or Youtube or something, but it has to have the Hungarian part of the song cut out. As much as I love that part, it's too soft for the dance I've choreographed. Easy 10 points to the person who can find it, thanks.

My Girlfriend is a victim, how can I help?

Hi, my current girlfriend who I haven't really known for all to long (almost a month) is in fact a victim. She was d 3 years ago, the man who did it also "Stole" her virginity. She was slightly intoxicated and was violently taken by the man. This has caused her to utterly against ual contact with certain areas of her body. She has had no since this has happened. She is a very pionate person and can be quite the tease but as the moment heats up I attempted to slide my hand down. Immediately as my fingers touched her pants line she grasped my wrist and told me no, I quickly stopped and apologized (For at this time I was unaware of what had happened). She then began to tell me of her past. It infuriates me to no end that something so horrible happened to her, though I don't let my anger have the better of me. In previous relationships I've always been ually active, it has always been a way for me to convey how much I truly care for them and I don't use someone for . I find myself compelled to help her understand that can be a wondrous and magnificent part of life, but I lack the know how to make her more comfortable. I'm content waiting a long while before I lay with her in that fashion, but at the same time I don't want her to feel that it's a horrible thing or that she "Has" to get past it to be with me. Day by day I find myself falling in love with her and I remind her how amazing and beautiful she is at every possible moment. I also try to remind her that as long as she is with me that she is safe and that no one will ever hurt her in such a way again, she quickly responds to this with cuddling and hiding herself against me. I've been told by other that perhaps just laying down in bed and telling her to do whatever she pleases would help her feel in control and allow her to open up, though I am not set in believing this is the best way. Please yahoo community help me find away to bring joy into her life and show her that being pionate and connected with someone on a completely different level is possible without her fear taking over.

Does he like me? (10 Points for best answer)?

So their's this guy who work's at a store my mom and I go to alot. This guy used to flirt with me regulary a few months back like in July. I talked to him once after finding his myspace and he told me that he is seeing someone and I'm a nice girl and I don't want to get involved with him. Well, he backed off a bit but now he is starting to hang around me again like when I went to the store earlier with my mom I Was taking pic's with my friend who work's there (He's also a guy but he's gay) and then the guy ran up and got in the pic with us randomly and wanted me to take pic's of him too. Well we had to go back to the store tonight because my mom forgot something and while we were there I was JOKING and I said the guy was "Yucky" and he goes "Yea, I know I'm ugly" and I go "You're also a prick" well he was like "Yea, I'm ugly and I'm a prick and I don't girl's or girlfriend's" and I told him "Well I do get peope" and he is like "Yea, a beautiful girl like your self of course you do" it's like "ok.." the last time I talked to him he basically made me feel so small and like acted as if he had a girlfriend, I just don't know what he expects me to do or say. What do you guys think?

Can a cat get pregnant....?

A female cats litter usually contains kittens from numerous fathers (or at least numerous 'batches' of sperm) . This I know. But, Can the female store the sperm indefinately? More to the point, can a female cat get pregnant after having a litter without having copulated after the litter? (Can she store the sperm left over from the first litter and 'spontaneously' get preganant?)

Sound card question for computers?

i know video cards show remarkable differences depending on quality if i buy a sound card at least a good one is there a difference from my sound? and if so like what? id love more b

I cannot function around my husband?

You should be able to anything and everything around him, but that's just not the case. He is your husband so you have an obligation to work it out. Stay strong, don't forget who you are and what you love to do. If working it out does work, then make sure you start thinging about what you want to do and go for it. Good luck

Why are boys such ? Am I just dating the wrong Types? I'm so confused help please!! =(?

Allrightie..I'm 16 & I've went out/almost went out with 4 different boys. Alot of them asked me out rather than me asking THEM out. Soo anyway the first guy my mom thought of was a ''Chav'' he was nice and all, but upon hearing his multiple girlfriends I just thought 'noooo' he's terrible at flirting..he had a nice body but I just thought it wouldn't work out that well. The other guy kept stalking me. (ex friend) He was a liar, made up stories to get attention, maybe a weight problem and a terrible hygeine problem and I mean...terrible. Everyone complained about it and I had to talk to him several times to leave me alone. He now flirts (or so he says) with some 19 year old woman who works at the videogame store (he's 14) the two others were older, and asked me out because they had never had girlfriends before, and were unpopular because of it. So I dated the one boy. Long story short he was a lot like the boy I described above, and went too fast asking for the kiss on the first half day of being together and he pushed me so we broke up a week after. I don't choose to judge based on appearences but I seem to attract not so smart, overweight boys. (I am not dumb and I am not overweight at all, 5'4-5'5 113 ibs) I don't really know what my 'type' is yet, I don't judge on appearences. I'd love an intelligent, sweet, loyal caring boy who'd actually love me, not to just look cool being with a girl (if those types even exist)..his popularity doesn't matter..and I'm really confused. Could I be dating the wrong types? I'm moving to a Highschool 7x bigger than mine in a couple weeks, will I have a better chance there? I'm so confused. Can anyone help me/relate to me?

What happened to Lita (Wwe)?

She retired in November of 2006. She was in a six year relationship with matt hardy and while he was out with a knee injury she began a relationship with edge. The real life affair was turned into an on screen angle even though the two had broken up. She is now in a band called the luchagors with her new boyfriend shane morton.

Where can I buy a snake in Surrey or London?

Try a href="" rel="nofollow" for shops and breeders near you. Cali kings are common as much you won't have any problems getting one.

Why do dreams always stop before an event?

Last night i had this really intersting dream that i had to break into the cellar of a bank and the point of entry was through my mind...there was a living machine down there that talked...and if my heartbeat slowed down too much i would die. It was like a cross between Inception,knightrider and Crank. Anyway back on topic, just as i was opening the safe and about to find out what was inside i woke up. Why does this always happen? I often find when my dream is about to climax to an interesting conclusion it ends abruptly

Comcast Wireless Router IP Range?

I just got Comcast Internet. Once I logged into the router I found that my IP range is set to through! I can't find a way to change this, it looks like Comcast has some lame policy to limit a home network to 5 IPs. Yeah... this might have worked back in 1995 but not these days! It seems like almost every device in the household needs an IP today. Is there a way to increase the IP range to handle more than 5 IPs on the network? I have 2 laptops, 1 desktop, TiVo, PSP, DS, XBOX, XBOX 360, and a Playstation 2. Thats 9 IPs!!! I can settle with at lest 15 IPs but 5 IPs seems impossible for me to cope with. Please tell me I'm not the only victim of this? I really look forward to finding a work around or some other solutions... ::Crosses fingers:: hoping no money is involved! Thanks in advance!

Friday, December 16, 2011

What can I do for a moldy back seat in my car?

My back window leaks condensation onto the seat and now it's getting moldy. Does anyone know of anything that I can used to reduce the dampness and get rid of the mold?

How do I begin to "like" my step-daughter?

I love my step-daughter because she is my fiance's child, but I do not like her and am happier when she is not around. She is a mini version of her mother and I truly know her mother, and not just stories I have heard second-hand. I wish she would go to live with her mother. I am not trying to be her mother, I just want the respect I deserve and not the attitude her mother tells her to inflict on me. It has come down to I am about to have little to do with her or for her or I am going to have to leave, leaving my soul mate because of this pint-size tyrant. Any advice?

HELPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLZ!!!!! D:?

okay so i have this essay due and it is super. super. super!!!!!! important. and the topic is "does patriotism still matter?" ne ideas of how i can start the essay??? nd ne ideas what 2 write in the essay? nd im a 8th grader btw. if i win this essay i can win A LOT. of cash and i need the cash. thanks :))

When Mcveigh, Booth & the abortion dr. killer killed their victem why do they run scared.?

Can the public ume that killers learn something about themselves and the restraints of local government.

What am I?

I am a 17 year old boy....My life LITERALLY revolves around chemistry, physics, and most of all...mathematics....which I love as any father would his daughter....I also study music theory, cryptology, rocket science, explosives, clical languages (latin,greek)....i can also draw pretty damn well and am learing to compose music....My life goal is to master all of the above and introduce a truly world -shatteringly astonishing scientific theory...i also will learn how to fly planes and operate on human brains....I aspire to obtain as many degrees as possible but the first will be a PhD in mathematics...I am quite proficient in what i do....MANY people have called me a genius without really being informed of my capabilities and limitations (of which i do not know) but surely i require a more professional, educated answer than those I receive from my friends and family.....who am I? eccentric crazy boy with mental disorder or genius?

What do I need to raise these fish?

i had a lot of fish some fish hate each other so look them up and what they get along with you need to feed them 3 time a day put plant and thing like that so they can i hide you need to clean the tank so get your mum or dad to help put the fish in bucket then clean it when you get them in the bag fill the tank then put hafe the bag in let them come out if they don't of 1 hours tip them out they need to get used to the water that one reason keep check on them they don't need a lot of play time so they really easy most of the time

New parent,and my partner!?

Baby steps....for your wife, not your baby. I think maybe going back to work would be a good thing. It would give her the opportunity to step up and stand on her own two feet. If you introduce more responsibilities gradually, this could encourage her and help her to feel more confident with things. Maybe she is just udes to having these things done for her, and being given the opportunity is just what she needs.

How to make not so hot, hot wings!!!?

i want to make hot wings but i dont want the too hot. i get REALLY bad indigestion. what are some good recipes for hot wings and buffalo wings. thanks!

How to tell a manager you need to leave out of country for family emergency?

I have an interview for a job at Loft outlet on wed and I am leaving out of the country onn fri because my uncle has ped and I need to help get everything out of his house but I am not sure how i should tell the manager that I wont be in town for 3 weeks! like im afraid it that it will jeopardize me receiving the job! -__-

I don't this my period?

Yesterday when I went to the bathroom I had small blotches of brownish red discharge. I put in a pad yesterday and today (all day) but nothing else came. Is that period and it just was a little because it was my 1st time?? Or was it a sign that its coming soon?

Hello everyone. hope you are doing well...Please click to see my question.Thank you!?

What constituted "prophecy" in early Judaism? What was the message of Second Isaiah and who was being referred to as the sufrregin serpent??

What should i name a Webkinz raccoon? I like Scarlett and Stewie, bad names i know.?

Whenever i really want a Webkinz I think of a name for it before i get it and I've always wanted the webkinz raccoon so plz help!

Cantering - To do or not to do? Nervous yet excited?

I recently went through this. I found a smaller horse to practice with. If I were you I wouldn't use a clydesdale! I would use a smaller horse! That's what worked for me!

Riddles 4 U!! v.4?

Ohio, grain train brain raining rainclouds training contraindicated constraint constrained constrain brainiac brainwave brainstorm strained restraint straining strained strain, sleeplessness, dont you need sound for VOLIX?

HDTV won't work for my computer. What's wrong?

Alright so my video card supports HDTV. I've got the little HDTV dongle that came with the card. Today I decided to try this out, but for some reason all i get is staticy wavy colored lines on my tv. I checked and made sure all the colors were properly hooked up. And I've got the latest driver for my video card. Do I need a separate driver or some sort of software in order to use HDTV from my computer? I'm runnin an 8500GT. I'm using a normal RCA cable(red,white,yellow) because they're all the same, aren't they?

Basic chem question - redox potentials?

Cu metal will displace Ag from a AgNO3 solution. True or false? and how do u figure it out? Theres a whole series of questions similar to this and Im not sure how to do it

What do you think of my name list?

My favorite for a girl is Gracie Marie and for a boy is Kayson Scott. I do love the other ones to so it was hard to pick favorites but I finally picked them out. =))

Why do men's rights activists expect women to bow down and kiss their feet?

Because some people just have large egos. Some people vocalize them much too clearly, and that's what these people are doing. Of course, ism against men exists too, but "securing their rights, inventing things, and providing leadership"?... that's just ridiculous because everyone played parts in these things, not just them.

I am going as an old school golfer for halloween. I am trying to figure something out to make some knickers?

I need some ideas for some knickers, plaid. I dont want to spend $100 for authentic ones. I am not a huge guy but not tiny. Any ideas? Knickers that go to just about right below the knees thanks.

Please Help! PDF file won't open?

I am trying to open an email attachment (a picture) that was sent to me as a PDF file but when I try and open it with Acrobat Adobe, it says that it can not open it. I've tried opening it with other programs and it says that the content is not supported. Is there any way I can open this picture?!?!

Does anyone know of a website that explains the laundry care tags? the little picture diagrams?

The first is wash in cool water, the second is no chlorine bleach (triangle) the third is an iron with one, two or three dots inside it for low, medium, high temperature of the iron and the fourth is "can be" drycleaned in Percholorethlyne (the most common solvent at the cleaners)

Please give your opinion?

he still sounds like a jerk, just a jerk that doesn't wanna be labeled a jerk. for the record, the largest part in a relationship is the mutual trust, respect and friendship-not physical attraction.

Isaiah 40:22 ????

I guess I'm going to have to throw out my Websters dictionary because it calls a meteor a "falling star".

The best man for the job?

There had to be a time when people actually got ahead in life because they worked hard and earned it. Now, it's all about who you know (politics) and how much you can hustle out of people. Does anybody know when this change started happening or has it always been there and just more prevalent now?

How much does it pay to go work on the oil rigs? Like the ones up in Wyoming?

in attempt to fly and hide from yourself? Problems will find you anywhere; Find yourself where you are! Cheer up! Scratch, never surrender to lice!

Survival Question: Kit for Car?

the only item that would really help you in a riot is a gun with lots of ammo. just try to drive yourself back home and put your house on lock down.

Please help ! am i gay ?!?!?

see i'm in a school were only boys go to, no girls, and there's a boy who is 16 year old, just like me, and he has no hair at his body, i mean non, not at his legs or body, and at that age even the guys get kinda pink, and he's really handsome and has blonde hair and his body is kinda nice and his 's size is kinda cute, thou i'm attracted to women and girls but this kid or guy kinda turn me on, i don't know he's all hairless i swear just like a girl, thou he doesn't act gay but he kinda turns me on, any way am i gay ?!?!

Christians: do you believe that the prophet Ezekiel saw a UFO in Ezekiel chapter 1?

It would have to have been seen by everyone for it to be a UFO. Ezekiel wrote this like he was the only one who saw it. But, yes, it does resemble a UFO by its description.

Annovulatory Bleeding?

Mine are maybe 1-3 days regular bleeding if up to 3 days and if only 1 day its light I dont even change my panty liner. I just wipe and thats the little bleeding I get.

How do i convince ma mom 2 let me git a dawg?

she dun like dem but i wan 2 get a puppey. we own our house an we live in da country but she still won let me get wun how do i make ha say yes

Questions about the 190 NJ Transit Bus?

I usually take the 320 bus to park plaza but since I have to get there at around 6:30am, I'm planning to take the 190. I looked up the stop on google map because the map on the njtransit site kinda confused me. The stop is says that goes closest to Plaza Dr. is Paterson Plank Rd. & Rt. 3 Entry Ramp on google, does anyone know how accurate google might be? Also about buying the ticket from the vending machine, I'm gonna catch the bus from the Port authority bus terminal, the machine asks for zone and so on, what exactly do I put in to ride the 190 bus to Secaucus?

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Where was HBK Shawn Michaels last night?

After leaving DX at an interesting point last week and super-kicking Theodore Long, HBK was no where to been last night on raw. Do you know whats going on?

Woman read improtant!!!!!!!!!!?

I thought this was all basic stuff. They crying baby is new to me though. I was raised by to cops though. Don't forget the look under your car at night. There could be some one underneath with a knife. I learned that one from drivers ed. Thank you for taking you time to do this for others.

Need Drink recipes!!?

I was given a bottle of kahlua, a bottle of amaretto, a bottle of peppermint schnapps and a bottle of vanilla vodka from a friend who was moving. I really don't drink any of these liquors (I prefer cap'n morgan, crown royal, gin, etc), but I'm not going to let them go to waste. Anyone have any ideas on what to do with them? Not mixed all together of!

As president, what would Newt Gingrich do for this country as that President Obama already isn't?

I can only tell you this, they all make promises and when they get into the presidency, they all create excuses for what they mentioned and has not been accomplished. My point is that they all do the same step in order to get re-elected and do even more things not profitable to the people.

I'm looking for an ez recipe for stuffed mushrooms w/ onions in the microwave?

i used to have the recipe but lost it and they only took a few mins to cook. I used my little oscar to combine the ingredients. There was er, bread crumbs, onion, parsley flakes, I just dont have the breakdown, can you help me out please?

Why does my girlfriends adopted cat follow me everywhere i go in the house. he even wedges himself between us.

she's had him about 3 months, he's neutered and a little over 2 y/o. i believe he's an American short haired tabby. He's kinda spooking me out. When I go in the bathroom he's in front of the door when i come out. It's that serious!!!! He'll even continuously try to lay on my chest even after i push him away... and I've only fed him 2 or 3 times since she had him.

I am super confused.....i dream real big...?

i am a saggi female and since childhood i have dreamt really yestreday i had a dream of performing at times square n then really living a high life .i am 19 n aspire to become an actress well someday,or maybe a very succesful entrepreneur,i have friends in ma cl who r pretty n some have done a few modelling ignments ,bt den not many know that i'd like to be in front of the camera in the cl too though i rap n stuff ,i love to entertain basically.i am studying for an mba so i can have a steady career to rely back on so what do i do ?do an mba n then think abt ma big acting dreams or start frm now or wat?i mean i jyst dream way too much and way too big.i hope they all come true.

What do i have?

It is probably allergies because they are really bad at this time of the year. It could also be a cold but it is probably allergies. I would get pleanty of rest and drink alot of water. If you have any clairaton that would help alot or sutafed would also be a big help. Hope you feel better and hae fun on your feild trip! :)

How to find abdul hakim alhindi?

Put the name in the browser and see what you come up with, Or if you know a member of the family and phone number call them.

Hey baby? why did he say this? i dont even know them?

Girl, you are just a baby. Don't let these upper clmen put stuff in your head. "Hey baby?" If they were decent, the least they could do is learn your name if they liked you. They seem like trouble and i would advise you to ignore these boys and find nice boys your own age. At your age, this may seem exciting. Trust me when i was 15 an 18 year old guy was after me. I thought I was so cool. But you know what? They are only after one thing....don't waste it on someone stupid.

Snakes in dream? What it mean?

I usually dream about snake a lot but I never scare of them. This time I dream about them 3 days in a row and it keep getting worst. At first just normal then there tons of snake just keep come out everywhere it just come out and try to eat my guinea pig. Then one my third i dream about tons of snake but this time with one giant snake and we fought with it (i think i not remember it clearly) then cut it head off or something. In dream i not scare but don't know what to do and just stand there. I hope i wont dream about it again tonight

I'm pregnant i have a toothache and i have a cold :(?

I've had a rough pregnancy from the get go and now i have a cold.. the stuffy nose is a bit better but now my ears are hurting and i'm starting to get a cough.. what are some home remedies i can do to help get back to healthy? also i have a toothache that started yesterday and now my face is swollen! what can i do about that to survive until monday? thanks!

If someone could try to "diagnose" this breathing problem... that would be great...?

I was at soccer and I couldn't breathe. I felt ready to have a heart attack. My trachea, chest, bronchus, and bronchioles just felt totally plugged with mucus and it was hard to breathe, even when I was just ping the ball in the beginning of soccer practice! It is about mid way through the season, so it's unusual for this too suddenly be happening. It cannot be Bronchtitis or whatever b/c if caused by a bacteria, i would feel it during school, right? I feel it now, 45 minutes after soccer also, but not during school. Asthma doesn't suddenly happen, right? So it was probably a allergy attack due to pollen in the air? (Note: no noted past or present allergies)

Looking for a high trainable low shedding dog?

Here is a list of low shedding breeds.... a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a Click on the breed to get more info. Also you could take this test to see which dog suits you best... a href="" rel="nofollow" I suggest not buying a dog based on looks but on the personality you want. Terriers are stubborn and aren't the easiest to train. I wouldn't suggest them. If you want a low shedding highly trainable dog look into a poodle. They are 2nd smartest breed..even though they don't look like the dogs you mentioned they are great companion dogs and will give you years of enjoyment.

I have a debate question for all you parents out there!?

Why do parents feel the need to ver disapline children?What happen to unconditional loving, most teens and kids feel opresses and unloved by their parents, and why is that ? I do belive somewhere down the line someone said that just becuase you had the child means you own the child.But I don't think that nessisarily is true.From ages 7-18 most kids and teens know right from wrong its not a misconception its the choice to do those things because you don't want them to.My daughter was getting pretty out of control and she's 13 i've always felt like she was my little angel but i had to come to grips with shes not a baby anymore.I found out she was smoking pot, and cigarettes and having .Everyone in the family expected me to freak out but I didn't I asked her are you being safe she said yes and I told her I didn't care if she smoked as long as she knew the consequences.Two days later I was at work and I got a video message it was from her, she flushed her weed down the toilet and the text read it's just not the same anymore.After that I relised that every person has rebelion in them but some kids show it some don't and I parent my 3 kids on these rules.My daughter still does everything I ask of her and is a straight A student even when she was on dope.I guess the question is if its that simple why do parents still put restrictions and boundries on kids?What do you think about my parenting?And please I urge you no rude or disrespectful shitt because I really don't need to deal be respectful and as honest as you want but if I find offense your answer will be ignored and if possible deleted.

Toothache help please

Try sucking on an ice cube that might take down the swelling in your mouth. I would also take some allergy pills just in case it's an allergic reaction to something. Ibeprophen would help the pain too. I hope i helped =)

Why does the majority of the American public believe so strongly in the FDA and FCC?

The FDA readily approves knowingly harmfull drugs routinly, then only pulls them off the market when the body counts are to embaring to ignore? Why does the FCC fight against any critics of the wireless industry and the extrememly damaging effects of EMF radiation that is killing our nation and making us sick? Answer>>> Greed, money, good lobbying!

Why do your teeth chatter when you get really cold?

Like in winter, when you're feeling really cold, your teeth start to chatter. Why does that happen? Is it some kind of reflexe?

What are some good ideas for a first date?

I'm going to be going on a first date soon and would like some good ideas. It's a date and relationships start one date at a time so I'm not to worried if it doesn't work out there are other women out there. First off this is with a person from my church and I'm dating to find someone to marry, not hook-up with. I know she likes sushi and art, so I kind of planned on taking her to a nice sushi restaurant and the local art museum that was just renovated so that we could walk and talk. However this seems like it could turn into a very unoriginal date and I want to do something that will stand out for the young woman. I did think that if I started early enough in the evening, and the date was going well that I could set up a movie watching experience with a projector and screen with popcorn etc and one of her favorite DVDs to surprise her with in a small theater I have access to as an AV guy at my college. But I'm not set in any of these plans and since this is my first date in my life I would like to get any input I can.

Does this make sense?

I really like it, I would leave the word "harsh" out, but that is just my personal opinion.

Michelle obama growing a garden.....?

lol, just heard on letterman that michelle obama will have a vegetable garden at the white house.... what do you think she will grow??

I want some kind of Summer Work in mainland Europe.?

Does anyone know of any companies I could apply to, or have any ideas? I'd like to do repping, bar work or retail, but I'll consider almost anything.

What are some different ways to comp creatively over a single chord?

Real Book tunes with a solo section over only one chord get pretty dull. What are some ways to comp creatively over a single chord? I am a guitarist, but I ume techniques from pianists would be just as useful.

Did you know about the following transfers in the Mexican League?

Pumas great for them Efrain is great player with one hell of a future he signed a 1 year deal and Jes�s Corona back to atlas cool and Francisco Mendoza could really do something with Chivas and watch for Veracruz they got some power

My cat had cat flu , wondering if she got it back?

It would be best to ask your mum if you can take her to the vet just to be sure. She could be having a relapse, or she may just be ill from something else, but its best to get her checked out to be sure.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What do you think of my poem?

I love it. Especially out loud, the 'clocks in the nails' sounds brilliant. It is a complex poem, but has great meaning I suppose, and for that it has become a favorite.

Is it ever okay to forgive a cheater?

I have had a couple of bad experiences with some past girlfriends and since then i tend to be very strict with the way i handle my relationships i do not believe that a cheater deserves to be forgiven, i think cheating itself is simply an act of selfishness and disrespect and those who do it are not worthy of second chances whoever i often wonder if that's always the case, experience has taught me that cheaters don't change but i have been in situations where i had to put some consideration before making my decision, thus i wonder is it ever okay to forgive a cheater?

What will be President Bush's legacy? ?

get your facts straight. It's obvious you've been watching too much cnn, msnbc, etc. Bush, unlike Obama, had put his country before his popularity. Funny how you say Iraq war is so bad, while we've had no terrorist attacks on our contry yet. You think he's killed millions of Iraqis? Pleasee. Hussein killed more. Sometimes casualties are needed in order to keep your freedom. So while you sit at home with a box of doughnuts and become mesmerized by liberal television stations, maybe you should look up some facts and appreciate the fact the Bush kept you from wearing a burka.

Formspring unanswered questions?

If you send someone a question on your account but then disable your account, will the name not show up next to the question if it hasn't been answered yet?