Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Who says we can't win in Iraq?

If we lose in Iraq, it is the fault of the American people. In WW II we destroyed the Japanese Empire, the Third Reich, and all their proxys in a global conflict, but now the traitors in the Democrat party say we cannot destroy a ragtag group of bums in some 3rd world backwater state? We could sweep through the entire Middle East and leave a trail of death and destruction in our wake if we had the will to. But Americans are soft and week now: The effeminization of the American male by the lest. It is our own fault we are losing, and the fault of the spineless godless leftists all the way from Pelosi to the sbags in the Univerities. I just can't fathom how traitorous and cowardly so many Americans have become. I can understand the French being that way - they couldn't win a war if they had to. But how did WE get this way?


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