Thursday, December 15, 2011

If someone could try to "diagnose" this breathing problem... that would be great...?

I was at soccer and I couldn't breathe. I felt ready to have a heart attack. My trachea, chest, bronchus, and bronchioles just felt totally plugged with mucus and it was hard to breathe, even when I was just ping the ball in the beginning of soccer practice! It is about mid way through the season, so it's unusual for this too suddenly be happening. It cannot be Bronchtitis or whatever b/c if caused by a bacteria, i would feel it during school, right? I feel it now, 45 minutes after soccer also, but not during school. Asthma doesn't suddenly happen, right? So it was probably a allergy attack due to pollen in the air? (Note: no noted past or present allergies)


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