Thursday, December 15, 2011

I have a debate question for all you parents out there!?

Why do parents feel the need to ver disapline children?What happen to unconditional loving, most teens and kids feel opresses and unloved by their parents, and why is that ? I do belive somewhere down the line someone said that just becuase you had the child means you own the child.But I don't think that nessisarily is true.From ages 7-18 most kids and teens know right from wrong its not a misconception its the choice to do those things because you don't want them to.My daughter was getting pretty out of control and she's 13 i've always felt like she was my little angel but i had to come to grips with shes not a baby anymore.I found out she was smoking pot, and cigarettes and having .Everyone in the family expected me to freak out but I didn't I asked her are you being safe she said yes and I told her I didn't care if she smoked as long as she knew the consequences.Two days later I was at work and I got a video message it was from her, she flushed her weed down the toilet and the text read it's just not the same anymore.After that I relised that every person has rebelion in them but some kids show it some don't and I parent my 3 kids on these rules.My daughter still does everything I ask of her and is a straight A student even when she was on dope.I guess the question is if its that simple why do parents still put restrictions and boundries on kids?What do you think about my parenting?And please I urge you no rude or disrespectful shitt because I really don't need to deal be respectful and as honest as you want but if I find offense your answer will be ignored and if possible deleted.


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