Saturday, December 17, 2011

Why are boys such ? Am I just dating the wrong Types? I'm so confused help please!! =(?

Allrightie..I'm 16 & I've went out/almost went out with 4 different boys. Alot of them asked me out rather than me asking THEM out. Soo anyway the first guy my mom thought of was a ''Chav'' he was nice and all, but upon hearing his multiple girlfriends I just thought 'noooo' he's terrible at flirting..he had a nice body but I just thought it wouldn't work out that well. The other guy kept stalking me. (ex friend) He was a liar, made up stories to get attention, maybe a weight problem and a terrible hygeine problem and I mean...terrible. Everyone complained about it and I had to talk to him several times to leave me alone. He now flirts (or so he says) with some 19 year old woman who works at the videogame store (he's 14) the two others were older, and asked me out because they had never had girlfriends before, and were unpopular because of it. So I dated the one boy. Long story short he was a lot like the boy I described above, and went too fast asking for the kiss on the first half day of being together and he pushed me so we broke up a week after. I don't choose to judge based on appearences but I seem to attract not so smart, overweight boys. (I am not dumb and I am not overweight at all, 5'4-5'5 113 ibs) I don't really know what my 'type' is yet, I don't judge on appearences. I'd love an intelligent, sweet, loyal caring boy who'd actually love me, not to just look cool being with a girl (if those types even exist)..his popularity doesn't matter..and I'm really confused. Could I be dating the wrong types? I'm moving to a Highschool 7x bigger than mine in a couple weeks, will I have a better chance there? I'm so confused. Can anyone help me/relate to me?


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