Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Mixed Signals: What Is He Really Thinking?

I've been dating my boyfriend for 6 months, and I'm really in love with him, and he says that he's really in love with me too. He says that he's never felt this way about anyone before, and that he's been waiting a looong time for me! I've never dated anyone like him before either, and I would just like some insight into that male brain of his. We get along great and are really 'in sync' with each other in almost every aspect of life. Things have been moving along well, but seemed to go quicker at the start of our relationship. For instance, he gave me a key to his house after only a month, and told me he loves me after 2 months. However, we've been together for 6 months and never taken a day trip together, let alone a vacation or weekend getaway. He calls me every day, and he's very thoughtful and generous in non-romantic ways, like taking care of my car, or helping to fix something around my apartment. He's just not romantic...we've never done anything remotely romantic together. Even when he told me he loves me, he surprised me by showing up unexpectedly to my apartment, but he just handed me a dozen roses and told me he loved me into my hair as we hugged (in fact, I didn't even hear him at first). I do believe that he loves me, but it just made the whole experience seem not authentic...almost like he did what the 'thought' he should do and not that he 'wanted' to, if that makes any sense? He said that he was just scared because he's received negative outcomes when he's done similar things in the past with ex-girlfriends. I'm happy with everything else in our relationship, but I feel a lack of emotional intimacy, because he never tells me how he feels about me other than "I love you", and I guess in my mind I would expect that we would've at least spent a day trip or a weekend away by now (one of my friends even said that surprises her too). He does work long hours (he's a crane operator) and doesn't always have alot of free time, but whenever he does have free time, he's always doing something related to his cars or grocery shopping. There's always some kind of car appointment, or we're shopping for car parts, etc., and therefore have no time for anything else. I've expressed my feelings to him about these things (several times in fact), and he says he'll work on them, but nothing has changed. I just feel frustrated and don't know what to do. It's like we started dating, and now we're an old married couple or something. I love him, and I know he does love me, but I guess in my mind I would think that he would want some 1-on-1 time doing those sorts of things with me? He just says that I should take the lead, but whenever I have in the past (for example, suggested a day trip somewhere), he always says no because he has some sort of car appointment, etc., so I gave up trying. Any thoughts, insight or advice? Oh, and we're both in our early 30's, if that makes a difference..


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